D8 Luis


Luis Sanchez — Since my first season at Gotham (as part of D11), Gotham has continuously provided me with a community I can rely on and a great environment to make friends and meet new people. I would like to serve as captain to ensure that others have the same fulfilling experience I have had. Although I have never been a captain before, I have been lucky enough to have had great captains that have inspired me to want to become a better player and to now look forward to being a captain myself. Although I can’t promise great t-shirt designs (art isn’t my forte but puns are so expect some great cheers at least!), I can promise that I will go above and beyond to make sure my teammates are having fun, get to mingle with other teams, learn to play better volleyball (and teach me some new tricks!), and that they are excited to get more involved with Gotham. If you are excited to bring a new Gothamite into leadership, please vote for me! No matter the outcome, I hope to run into all of you at GYM bar or DBL (is it The Spot now where people go?) and thank you for all your support 🙂

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