Joe Mignano–I joined Gotham 9 years ago and have had the opportunity to serve as a Captain more than times during my time with Gotham. I have also been fortunate to be elected to the Board of Directors for a third 2-year term. On the Board, I currently Co-Chair the Operations Committee and am responsible for ensuring our facilities have functioning equipment and supplies. Co-Chairing has given me opportunities to contribute in new ways and an appreciation for all the work so many do to keep us playing each week. I have played in Divisions 8, 9, 10, and 11 with Gotham. This season I had the opportunity to play in Division 10 again which is the Division I first played in and have spent most of my time in. It would a privilege to have the opportunity to be a captain in Division 10 for the Spring season. I greatly enjoy bringing a team together, where everyone is encouraged, supported, and have positive experiences. If you believe that I would make a good Captain, uphold Gotham’s values and create a welcoming and inclusive environment for the Division, along with the other Captains in Division 10, I would greatly appreciate you voting for me. Thanks.