
Grievance Committee

The Gotham Volleyball Grievance Committee is charged with resolving grievances filed by members or referred by the Board of Directors on every topic except for disputes about in-game calls by referees.

Many Grievance Committee deliberations center on alleged violations of our Sportsmanship and Anti-Violence Policy, and include determining sanctions.

The Committee also makes recommendations to the Board on exceptions Gotham’s no refund policy.

If you need to contact the Grievance Committee for guidance or to file a grievance, please email [email protected].

Previous Decisions of the Grievance Committee

December 21, 2023 Grievance Committee decision Re: Social Media & SAVP

December 11, 2023 Grievance Committee decision Re: Player Assessment

December 14, 2022 Grievance Committee decision Re: SAVP

June 13, 2022 Grievance Committee decision Re: Player Anti-Violence Issue

Apr 1, 2019 and Apr 15, 2019 Grievance Committee decisions Re: sportsmanship referrals from Gotham President

February 7, 2018, February 20, 2018, March 29, 2018 and April 9, 2018 Grievance Committee & Board Decisions Re: Member Sexual Harassment and/or Abuse

March 12, 2015 Grievance Committee Decision Re: Player Sportsmanship Issue/Power Grievance

May 27, 2014 Grievance Committee Decision Re: Player Sportsmanship Issue

August 31, 2011 Grievance Committee Decision Re: Member Grievance Alleging Poor Sportsmanship

October 11, 2010 Grievance Committee Decision Re: Player Sportsmanship Issue

January 31, 2010 Grievance Committee Decision Re: Spring 2010 Team Selection

March 25, 2008 Grievance Committee Decision Re: No Pay, No Play

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